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直接記憶器存取輸出入控制 DMA I/O control
直接記憶器存取輸出入操作 DMA I/O operations
直接記憶器存取交插處理 DMA interleaved processing
直接記憶體存取傳送 DMA transfer
直接記憶器存取移轉週期 DMA transfer cycle
診斷輔助數位裝置 DMAD
dmake 公用程式 dmake
DMCA 1201 條款 DMCA 1201
DMI 集用場 DMI pool
DNA 電腦 DNA computer
基因計算;DNA計算 DNA computing
DNS 分錄 DNS entry
DNS 駐管 DNS parking
DNS伺服器 DNS server
do 迴路指令 do
DO CASE建構 DO CASE construct
DO迴路 DO loop
不可呼叫名單 do not call list
不作業指令 do nothing operation
DO敘述 DO statement
DO敘述範圍 DO statement range
DO UNTIL建構 DO UNTIL construct
DO 變數 DO variable
文件 doc
DocBook 結構化文件撰寫標準 DocBook
碼頭 dock
碼頭認可 dock acknowledgement
連接 dockable
連接工具箱 dockable toolbar
停駐 docked
停駐工具列 docked toolbar
停駐視窗 docked Window
電腦塢機制 docking mechanism
攜行電腦塢 docking station
碼頭到倉庫 dock-to-stock
DOCMaker 應用軟體 DOCMaker
DoCoMo 網路服務 DoCoMo
DoCoMo 封包傳輸 DoCoMo packet transmission
刮刀 doctor blade
文件 document
文件摘要檢索設備 document abstract retrieval equipment,DARE
文件存取模型 document access model
文件存取號碼,文件登記編號 document accession number,DAN
文件管理者 document administrator
文件對齊 document alignment
文件架構 document architecture
文件組合 document assembly
文件本體 document body
文件櫃 document cabinet
文件分類 document classification
文件聚類 document clustering
文件組件 document component
文件編製設施 document composition facility
文件組版系統 document composition system
文件內容架構 document content architecture,DCA
文件內容描述 document content description
文件控制遠程站 document control remote station,DCRS
文件控制系統 document control system
文件轉換 document conversion
文件轉換處理器 document conversion processor
文件複製 document copying
文件資料類型 document data type
文件資料庫 document database,DDB
文件定義標示語言 document definition markup language
文件遞送 document delivery
文件目的地 document destination
文件前緣 document document similarity matrix
文件編輯 document editing
文件有效碼 document effected code,DEC
文件元素;文件元件 document element
文件實體 document entity
文件環境群 document environment group
文件檢查器 document examiner
文件保真度 document fidelity
文件檔 document file
文件格式 document format
文件排版程式 document formatter
文件格式化 document formatting
文件製作代理 document fulfilment agency
文件功能 document function
文件處理 document handing,DH
文件處置器處理機 document handler processor,DHP
文件處置 document handling
文件識別號碼 document identification number,DIN
文件識別符碼 document identifier code
文件影像處理 document image processing
文件成像系統 document imaging systems
文件索引 document index
文件資訊 document information
文件交換架構 document interchange architecture,DIA
文件交換格式 document interchange format
文件項目 document item
文件布局 document layout
文件前緣 document leading edge
文件長度 document length
文件館 document library
文件庫設施,文件館設施 document library facility,DLF
文件管理 document management
文件標示 document mark
文件菜單 document menu
文件合併 document merge
文件漏登記 document misregistration
文件名稱 document name
文件號碼 document number
文件物件 document object
文件物件模型 document object model
線上文件檢索系統 document on-line retrieval system
文件定序系統 document ordering system
文件製作系統 document preparation system
文件演示 document presentation
文件列印機 document printer
文件處理 document processing
文件處理選項單 document processing menu
文件處理子系統 document processing subsystem
文件處理系統 document processing system
文件設定檔 document profile
文件協定 document protocol
文件閱讀機 document reader
文件閱讀機子系統 document reader subsystem
文件參考邊緣 document reference edge
文件檢索索引 document retrieval index
文件檢索系統 document retrieval system,DRS
文件檢索 document retrieval,DR
文件選路精靈 document routing wizard
文件搜尋 document searching
文件搜尋系統 document searching system
文件服務中心 document service center,DSC
文件分類機 document sorter
原始文件 document source
文件拼字檢查功能 document spelling check function
文件結構 document structure
文件式樣 document style
文件式樣語意及規格語言 document style semantics and specification language,DSSSL
文件模板 document template
文件模板字串 document template strings
文件項矩陣 document term matrix
文件本文 document text
文件標題 document title
文件轉移 document transfer
文件轉移選項單 document transfer menu
文件傳送 document transportation
文件類型 document type
文件類型宣告 document type declaration
文件類型定義 document type definition,DTD
文件類型文件製作 document type documentation
文件向量 document vector
文件視窗 document window
文件撰寫器 document writer
記錄片 documentary
文件,文件製作,文件化,文件組 documentation
文件製作輔助系統 documentation aid system,DAS
文件製作與維護品質保證 documentation and maintenance quality assurance
文件製作與讀出系統 documentation and readout system
文件集,文件簿 documentation book
文件製作慣例 documentation convention
文件等級 documentation level
文件製作規則 documentation rule
文件管理員 documentation supervisor
文件系統 documentation system
文件處理機 documentor
文件收集 documents collection
文件特性 documents property
文件名稱 docuterm
DocZilla網頁瀏覽器 DocZilla
(美國)國防部可信賴的電腦系統評估準則 DoD trusted computer system evaluation criteria
DOD-1語言 DOD-1
加亮 dodge
寶藍 dodger blue
Dogpile 搜尋引擎 Dogpile
do-群組 do-group
空操作 DO-implied list
杜比系統 Dolby
杜比數位 Dolby AC-3
杜比數位 Dolby Digital
錢符號 dollar
錢幣記號 dollar sign
移動攝影架 dolly
域,領域,定域 domain
領域位址 domain address
領域代理 domain agent
領域分析 domain analysis
領域架構 domain architecture
領域架構模型 domain architecture model
域演算 domain calculus
領域控制器 domain controller
域分解 domain decomposition
領域定義屬性 domain defined attribute
領域工程師 domain engineer
領域工程 domain engineering
領域專家 domain expert
領域知識 domain knowledge
網域管理 domain management
領域成熟度 domain maturity
域遷移 domain migration
領域模型 domain model
領域名稱 domain name
領域名稱位址 domain name address
域名解析 domain name resolution
領域名稱服伺器 domain name server
領域名稱服務 domain name service
領域名稱系統 domain name system,DNS
領域命名系統 domain naming system,DNS
定義域 domain of definition
論域個體域 domain of discourse
函數域 domain of function
解譯域 domain of interpretation
關係域 domain of relation
域運算子 domain operator
域共用資料 domain own
域關係演算 domain relational calculus,DRC
領域選擇 domain selection
網域狙擊兵 domain sniper
領域軟體工程環境 Domain Software Engineering Environment
領域特定部分 domain specific part
領域明確性 domain specificity
網域字尾 domain surfix
領域理論 domain theory
疇尖 domain tip
疇尖記憶體 domain tip memory
域變數 domain variable
疇壁 domain wall
疇壁能 domain wall energy
疇壁交換 domain wall switching
領域無關規則 domain-independent rule
網域主義 domainism
DomainKeys 反網路濫發軟體 DomainKeys
特定領域語言 domain-specific language
特定領域軟體架構 domain-specific software architecture
磁泡域壁移動率 domainwall mobility of magnetic bubble
國內輸出 domestic exporter
家用機器人 domestic robot
國內衛星載波 domestic satellite carrier
國內通訊衛星 domestic satellite,DOMSAT
支配 dominance
支配載波 dominant carrier
主控制 dominant control
超越; 高階 dominate
支配節點 dominate node
Domino 應用軟體 Domino
Domino 效應;多米諾效應 Domino effect
Domino 可延伸式語言 Domino extensible language
Domino 離線服務套件 Domino off-line services
多米諾骨牌問題 Domino problem
不刪除 don`t delete
不再顯示此對話框 don`t show me this dialog again
伺服器鑰 dongle
施體,施子 donor
施體雜質 donor impurity
施體離子 donor ion
施體材料 donor materials
無為指令 do-nothing instruction
不理會 don't care
不理會閘 don't care gate
不知狀態 don't know state
不理會頂點 don't-care vertex
圈餅式廣告 donut
DOOM 三維遊戲軟體 DOOM
Doomsday 規則 Doomsday rule
門 door
子網門 door of subnet
光碟匣門開啟 door open
門鈴 doorbell
入門網頁 doorway
入口頁 doorway page
摻雜物 dopant
外加物 dope
摻雜添加物 dope additive
訊息向量 dope vector
摻雜接合 doped junction
摻雜 doping
都卜勒效應 Doppler effect
待用檔案結構 dormant file structure
待用處理機 dormant processor
待用片斷 dormant segment
待用狀態 dormant state
待用任務 dormant task
磁碟操作系統基本功能饋入 DOS booting
DOS盒 DOS box
DOS 命令 DOS command
DOS 命令行 DOS command line
DOS延伸器 DOS extender
DOS提示 DOS prompt
DOS保護模態介面 DOS protected mode interface,DPMI
DOS 作業系統請求者 DOS requester
點 dot
點位址 dot address
點帶式列印機 dot band printer
點陣字元產生器 dot character generator
點陣字元撞擊式列印技術 dot character impact printing technique
點陣字元非撞擊式列印技術 dot character nonimpact printing technique
點陣字元列印機 dot character printer
點陣字元列印 dot character printing
點圖 dot chart
圓點色彩 dot colors
點命令 dot command
點週期 dot cycle
點檔案 dot file
點引導 dot leader
點矩陣 dot matrix
點矩陣字元產生器 dot matrix character generator
點矩陣字型 dot matrix font
點矩陣繪圖器 dot matrix plotter
點矩陣列印機 dot matrix printer
點矩陣大小 dot matrix size
點記法 dot notation
句點運算子 dot operator
點矩陣圖型 dot pattern
每英吋點數 dot per inch
點節距 dot pitch
點矩陣列印機 dot printer
點乘積 dot product
點提示號 dot prompt
點狀 dot scope
點大小 dot size
點間距 dot spacing
點變量 dot variation
DOT4 協定 DOT4
點位址模式 dot-addressable mode
每英吋點數 dots per inch,DPI
每秒點數 dots per second,DPS
每平方吋點數 dots per square inch,DPSI
點與 dotted AND
四位元十進位記法;32位元整數十進記法 dotted decimal notation
點或 dotted OR
雙,雙倍 double
雙址 double address
雙重相鄰定址 double adjoint addressing
雙孔磁心 double aperture core
雙箭頭,雙矢 double arrow
雙平衡調變器 double balanced modulator
雙基二極體 double base diode
雙倍結合 double bind
雙桶 double bucket
雙緩衝區 double buffer
雙緩衝資料傳送 double buffered data transfer
雙緩衝輸入 double buffered in
雙緩衝輸出 double buffered out
雙緩衝 double buffering
雙匯流排 double bus
雙匯流排故障 double bus fault
雙位元組 double byte
雙位元組字元集 double byte character set,DBCS
雙位元組碼系統 double byte code system
雙位元組賦能 double byte enablement
雙位元組交插 double byte interleaved,DBI
複算 double calculation
雙卡 double card
雙重進位 double carry
雙鍊接線性串列 double chained linear list
雙鍊接樹 double chained tree
雙通道 double channel
雙通道雙工 double channel duplex
雙通道單工 double channel simplex
雙字元定界符 double character delimiter
快按兩次 double click
雙行選項單 double column menu
雙電腦合作 double computer cooperation
雙電流法 double current method
雙電流發信號 double current signaling
雙電流傳輸 double current transmission
雙週期 double cycle
雙倍資料速率 double data rate
雙倍資料速率隨機存取記憶體 double data rate random access memory
雙倍資料速率 SDRAM 記憶體;DDR SDRAM 記憶體 double data rate SDRAM
雙倍資料速率同步隨機存取記憶體 double data rate synchronous random access memory
雙倍資料速率 - 同步 DRAM double data rate-synchronous DRAM
雙倍資料速率 double date rate
雙密度記錄 double dense recording
雙密度編碼 double density encoding
雙密度軟碟 double density floppy disk
雙密度格式 double density format
雙密度記錄 double density recording
雙密度 double density,DD
雙衍生金鑰 double derived key
雙重描述法 double description method
雙字典 double dictionary
雙擴散金屬氧化物半導體 double diffused metal oxide semiconductor,DDMOS
雙擴散電晶體邏輯 double diffused transistor logic,DDTL
雙磁碟機 double disk unit
雙端佇列 double end queue
雙入口卡片 double entry card
雙登錄系統 double entry system
雙錯校正碼 double error correction code
雙錯校正法 double error correction scheme
雙錯校正三錯檢測 double error correction-three error detection
雙倍誤差偵測 double error detecting
雙錯檢測 double error detection,DED
二次指數平滑 double exponential smoothing
雙曝光 double exposure
雙階乘 double factorial
雙倍字長浮點資料 double floating data
雙頻記錄 double frequency recording,DFR
雙倍散列 double hashing
雙列直插式套裝軟體 double in-line package
雙倍整數記號 double integral sign
雙KWIC索引 double KWIC index
雙層超扭轉條帶(技術) double layer super-twist nematic
雙層正文編輯器 double layered text editor
雙左旋轉 double left rotation
倍長,雙倍長度 double length
雙倍長度浮點數 double length floating point number
雙倍長數 double length number
雙倍長數字 double length numeral
雙倍長度暫存器 double length register
雙倍長度結果 double length result
雙倍長度移位 double length shift
隔行 double line
雙重鏈接 double linkage
雙鏈接雙端佇列 double linked deque
雙鏈接串列 double linked list
雙鏈接環 double linked ring
雙倍負載 double loading
雙元電話 double metaphone
雙調變,雙重調制 double modulation
雙運算元 double operand
雙運算元指令 double operand instruction
雙分頁 double paging
雙刀雙擲開關 double pole double throw
雙輪詢 double polling
雙倍精度,雙精確度 double precision
雙倍精度運算 double precision arithmetic
雙倍精度陣列 double precision array
雙倍精度計算 double precision computation
雙倍精度常數 double precision constant
雙倍精度指數 double precision exponent
雙倍精度函數 double precision function
雙倍精度硬體 double precision hardware
倍精數 double precision number
雙倍精度數字 double precision numeral
雙倍精度量,倍精量 double precision quantity
雙倍精度實數型 double precision real type
雙倍精度型 double precision type
雙優先 double priority
雙脈衝 double pulse
雙脈波記錄 double pulse recording
雙重打孔 double punch
雙重打孔及空白行檢測 double punch and blank-column detection
雙引號 double quote
雙軌邏輯,雙線邏輯 double rail logic
雙記錄 double recording
雙記錄檢查 double recording check
雙重遞迴 double recursive
雙倍暫存器 double register
雙右旋轉 double right rotation
雙移位 double shift
雙倍右移 double shift right
雙邊頻帶調變 double sideband modulation,DSB
雙邊帶信號 double sideband signal
雙邊帶抑制載波 double sideband suppressed carrier,DSBSC
雙邊帶傳輸 double sideband transmission
雙面板 double sided board
雙面磁碟 double sided disk
雙面文件 double sided document
雙面軟碟 double sided floppy disk
雙面高密度磁碟 double sided high density disk
雙面印刷電路板 double sided printed circuit board
雙面四倍密度磁碟 double sided quad density disk
雙面/雙倍密度磁碟 double sided/double density disk
倍形,放大 double size
雙間隔 double space
雙倍行間距 double spacing
跨頁(圖) double spread
雙步寫入補償 double step write compensation
雙重打印 double striking
雙終止 double terminating
雙磁軌 double track
雙倍類型,雙重類型 double type
雙重間接定址 double undirect addressing
雙重均勻通道 double uniform channel
倍寬 double width
倍寬字元 double width character
雙字定址 double word addressing
雙字邊界 double word boundary
雙字命令 double word command
雙字長 double word length
雙字長運算 double word length arithmetic
雙字指標 double word pointer
雙字暫存器 double word register
雙字 double word,DW
倍基推進劑 double-based propellant
雙位元組編碼字型 double-byte coded font
雙字 doubled words
DDCD 格式 double-density compact disk
雙密度磁碟 double-density disk
雙重資料加密標準 double-DES
雙摻雜電晶體 double-doped transistor
雙點影像 double-dot image
雙點技術 double-dot technique
雙倍雙工 double-duplex
雙端串列 double-ended list
雙端優先權佇列 double-ended priority queue
雙端佇列 double-ended queue
雙面磁帶 double-faced tape
 double-layer supertwist nematic
倍長精密度 double-length precision
倍長工作 double-length working
雙倍精確運算;倍準精確運算 double-precision operation
二倍器 doubler
雙表檢測器 double-sheet detector
雙表檢測器控制 Double-Sheet Detector Control
雙表彈出器 double-sheet ejector
雙面水平列印 double-sided horizontal printing
雙面印刷電路 double-sided printed circuit
雙面垂直列印 double-sided vertical printing
黑體字;加強印字 double-strike
二位元拜,偶極 doublet
含糊其詞 double-talk
雙鍊接技術 doubly chained technique
雙鍊接樹 doubly chained tree
雙連接串列 doubly connect list
雙連接線性規劃 doubly connected linear programming
DDTOL系統 doubly deterministic tabled zero sided Lindenmayer
DDTOL系統 doubly deterministic tabled zero-sided lindenmayer system
雙鏈接循環串列 doubly linked circular list
雙鏈接線性串列 doubly linked linear list
雙鏈接串列 doubly linked list
雙鏈接環 doubly linked ring
雙週期函數 doubly periodic function
雙隨機矩陣 doubly stochastic matrix
鴿灰色 dove gray
直接重寫磁碟 DOW disk
道瓊新聞 / 檢索服務 dow jones news/retrieval service
直接重寫磁光碟 DOW MO disk
do-while 陳述 do-while statement
下,停機,當機 down
向下箭頭 down arrow
按鍵 down click
遞減計數器 down counter
下摺 down fold
向下鍵 down key
向下鏈結 down link
下載 down loaded
按下狀態;停機狀態 down state
下游載入 down stream load
下游實體裝置 down stream physical unit
下呼叫法 downcall
降頻轉換器 downconvert
降頻轉頻器 downconverter
降級 downgrade
下線金鑰載入 down-line key loading
下線載入 downline load
下線載入 downline loading
下線系統載入 downline system load
下線任務載入 downline task load
下線載入設施 downline-load facility
下行鏈路與上行鏈路 downlink and uplink
下載 download
下載費用 download charges
下載計數 download count
OS/390作業系統下載 download for OS/390
下載管理器 download manager
下載(資訊網)站 download site
下載字型 downloadable font
下載全描述字型 downloaded fully described font
下載資源 downloaded resource
下載 downloading
下載程式 downloading utility
下降混合 downmix
降低取樣 downsample
小型化 downsizing
下游加鍵器 downstream keyer
重打 downstroke
當機時間,停機時間 downtime
停機時間比 downtime ratio
向下閉合 downward closed
向下相容性 downward compatibility
向下多工 downward multiplexing
向下引用,向下參照 downward reference
向下變遷 downward transition
向下邏輯變遷 downware logic-transition
DPF主機接收器 DPF host receiver
DECmpp 機器的並行語言 DPL
資料處理管理協會憑證 DPMA Certificate
Prolog語言的一種版本 d-Prolog
Dr. Watson 視窗診斷軟體 Dr. Watson
Pascal, C和ALGOL 68三種語言的混合體 draco
草稿,製圖 draft
草稿 draft copy
草稿文件 draft document
製圖國際標準 draft international standard
製圖機 draft machine
草稿列印模式 draft mode
草稿提供 draft offering
一次製圖多次再用 draft once reuse many
草稿列印品質 draft print quality
草稿列印機 draft printer,DP
草稿字體印刷品質 draft quality
通風管 draft tube
描圖器 drafter
製圖機 drafting machine
牽曳 drag
拖曳及放下 drag and drop
牽曳控制 drag control
牽曳 drag function
拖入 drag in
拖曳模式 drag mode
拖出 drag out
拖過 drag over
拖曳 dragging
拖放 drag-n-drop
龍曲線 Dragon curve
汲極,洩流 drain
漏登錄 drain logging
遺漏信息 drain message
洩流狀態 drained state
管線排出 draining of pipeline
DRAM再新 DRAM refresh
戲劇片 drama
製圖功能 draw function
製圖物件 draw object
製圖不透明 draw Opaque
製圖程式 draw program
製圖規則 draw rule
繪製本文功能 draw text function
抽屜 drawer
抽屜目錄 drawer directory
繪畫色彩 drawing color
製圖控制 drawing control
製圖交換格式 drawing exchange format,DXF
圖清單 drawing list
圖號 drawing number
製圖命令 drawing order
製圖命令坐標空間 drawing order coordinate space
製圖處理器 drawing processor
製圖程式 drawing program
製圖單位 drawing unit
DREAM 6800型微處理機 DREAM 6800
漂移 drift
漂移計算機 drift computer
漂移校正放大器 drift corrected amplifier
漂移誤差 drift error
漂移誤差補償 drift error compensation
漂移字元 drifting characters
漂移編輯 drifting editing
漂移符號 drifting symbol
演習彈藥 drill ammunition
演習 drill and practice
深度探討 drill down
深度探討查詢 drill down query
批次處理 drip-feed
驅動,驅動機 drive
反向驅動 drive backwards
磁碟列 drive bar
驅動機機架 drive bay
驅動能力 drive capability
驅動電路 drive circuit
磁碟組態 drive configuration
驅動機 drive diagnostic program,DDP
驅動器聯動 drive duplexing
驅動元件 drive element
驅動錯誤型樣 drive error pattern
驅動機識別符 drive identifier
驅動機字母 drive letter
驅動機對映 drive mapping
驅動機構 drive mechanism
驅動鏡像 drive mirroring
驅動機名 drive name
驅動脈波 drive pulse
驅動脈波產生器 drive pulse generator
驅動需求 drive requirement
驅動安全 drive security
驅動機感測 drive sense
驅動源 drive source
驅動機規格 drive specification
驅動機表面 drive surface
驅動時間 drive time
經下載驅動 drive-by download
經主動大量傳送驅動 drive-by spamming
磁碟清單方塊 driveListBox
驅動器 driver
驅動器板 driver board
驅動器匯流排 driver bus
驅動器卡 driver card
驅動器發展套件 driver development kit
驅動器磁碟 driver disk
驅動器字母 driver letter
駕駛執照 driver license
驅動器模組 driver module
模組驅動器 driver of modules
驅動功率 driver power
驅動器軟體 driver software
驅動器起動輸入輸出常式 driver start I/O routine
驅動器分派表 driver-dispatch table,DDT
驅動器叉路等級 driver-fork level
驅動器前序表 driver-prologue table,DPT
驅動閘 driving gate
驅動點 driving-point
驅動點函數 driving-point function
DRM 版權描述語言 DRM rights expression language
下垂 droop
降,滴,偶入 drop
下引電纜 drop cable
段首大字 drop cap
完全停機 drop dead halt
滴落深度 drop depth
下拉 drop Down
降下盒 drop down box
降下;時框 drop frame
時框時間碼 drop frame time code
偶入,冒碼 drop in
停止連線 drop line
訊息滴失 drop on the floor
漏碼,偶出 drop out
漏碼計數 drop out count
漏碼檢測器 drop out detector
卸除發行物 drop publications
水滴半徑 drop radius
分接中繼器 drop repeater
降下陰影 drop shadow
停止出貨之採購訂單 drop ship purchase order
置放來源 drop source
置放目標 drop target
引入線 drop wire
下拉式組合盒 drop-down combination box
下拉式組合方塊 drop-down combo box
下拉式列表 drop-down list
下拉式選項單 drop-down menu
偶入廣告 drop-in ad
漏失 (訊息) 補償器 dropout compensator
失電;失字 drop-outs
漏失位元 dropped bit
丟棄框 dropped frame
散播病毒程式 dropper
條件摘除 dropping condition rule
下落式陰影 drop-shadows
DrScheme方案 DrScheme
藥物資訊系統 drug information system
麻木化 drugged
磁鼓 drum
磁鼓緩衝 drum buffer
磁鼓控制 drum control
磁鼓顯示 drum display
磁鼓驅動機 drum drive
磁鼓磁頭,磁鼓頭 drum head
磁鼓潛伏時間 drum latency time
磁鼓登錄 drum log
磁鼓標示 drum mark
磁鼓記憶系統 drum memory system,DMS
磁鼓記憶單元 drum memory unit
磁鼓號 drum number
磁鼓導向系統 drum oriented system
磁鼓同位 drum parity
圓筒繪圖器 drum plotter
鼓型列印機 drum printer
磁鼓程式 drum program
鼓掃瞄器 drum scanner
磁鼓掃瞄 drum scanning
磁鼓排序 drum sorting
磁鼓儲存器 drum storage
磁鼓儲存系統 drum storage system
磁鼓定時脈衝 drum timing pulse
磁鼓單元 drum unit,DRU
醉鼠贈症候群 drunk mouse syndrome
乾彎曲 dry bend
乾球溫度 dry bulb temperature
乾電池 dry cell
乾接觸 dry contact
乾油墨 dry ink
乾印術 dry photography
乾式處理器 dry processor
乾讀接觸 dry read contact
乾運行 dry run
空運行 dry running
預檢 dryrun
DS已啟用 DS activated
DS 階 DS level
DS0通信 DS0
DS2通信 DS2
DS3通信 DS3
D 殼型連接器 D-shell connector
資料來源名稱 dsn
無 DSN 連接 dsn-less connection
DSP32 組合語言 DSP32 Assembly Language
DSP56000 晶片;一種數位影像處理的晶片 DSP56000
DSP56001 晶片;一種數位影像處理的晶片 DSP56001
DSS 資料庫 DSS database
DSS 軟體系統 DSS software system
DSSSL 語法核對器 DSSSL syntax checker
日光節約時間 DST
DTE/DCE介面 DTE/DCE interface
DTF巨集指令 DTF (Define The File) macro instruction
d-三叉 d-trio
D 型連接器 D-type
D型正反器 D-type flip-flop
雙位元組字型 dual
雙存取儲存處置 dual access storage handling,DASH
雙附接站 dual attachment station
對偶自動機 dual automaton
雙頻帶 dual band
雙啟動 dual boot
雙匯流排 dual bus
雙匯流排系統 dual bus system
雙電纜寬頻帶區域網路 dual cable broad band LAN
雙卡 dual card
雙通道控制器 dual channel controller
雙電路核對 dual circuitry check
雙時序 dual clocking
雙群集 dual cluster
攣生碼 dual code
雙重編碼 dual coding
雙控制 dual control
雙密度 dual density
雙磁碟驅動 dual disk drive
雙顯示 dual display
雙元件感測器 dual element sensor
雙間隙頭 dual gap head
雙閘 dual gate
雙圖形 dual graph
雙頭 dual heads
雙網路卡電腦 dual homed
雙址網路系統 dual homed host
雙獨立匯流排 dual independent bus
雙感染程式 dual infector
雙行 dual in-line
雙行記憶體模組 dual in-line memory module,DIMM
雙行組件開關 dual in-line package switch
雙行組件 dual in-line package,DIP
雙行插針開關 dual in-line pin switch
雙強度 dual intensity
雙介面 dual interface
雙語言 dual language
雙重潛時 dual latency
雙層感測 dual level sensing
雙線性程式 dual linear program
雙錄誌 dual logging
雙頻模式 dual mode
雙網 dual net
對偶運算,對偶作業,雙用作業 dual operation
雙頁,左右兩頁 dual pages
雙筆式記錄器 dual pen recorder
雙埠 dual port
雙埠記憶器 dual port memory
雙埠的 dual ported
雙處理器 dual processor
雙處理器系統 dual processor system
雙處理器 dual processors
雙用途卡片 dual purpose card
雙重記錄;複式記錄 dual recordings
雙扇區緩衝區 dual sector buffer
雙簽署 dual signature
雙單進線記憶體模組 dual single inline memory module
複式斜率轉換器 dual slope converter
雙堆疊系統 dual stack system
雙儲存器 dual storage
雙套系統 dual system
雙音調調變頻率 dual tone modulation frequency
雙音多頻 dual tone multi frequency,DTMF
雙音多頻 dual tone multiple frequency
雙附接 dual-attached
雙附接集線器 dual-attached concentrator
雙通道 dual-channel (bilingual)
雙導磁泡裝置 dual-conductor (DC) bubble device
雙密度軟碟控制器 dual-density floppy disk controller
雙擴散金氧半導體積體電路 dual-diffused MOS integrated circuit
雙函數 dual-function
雙隙磁頭 dual-gap disk head
雙隙寫後讀出磁帶頭 dual-gap read-after-write tape head
雙隙重寫磁頭 dual-gap rewrite head
雙重性;二元論 dualism
對偶性 duality
對偶原理 duality principle
雙項連接器 dual-purpose connector
雙記錄 dual-recording
雙環拓撲 dual-ring topology
雙掃描 dualscan
雙掃瞄顯示 dual-scan display
雙面安裝印刷電路板 dual-side mounting PC board
雙面磁碟驅動器 dual-sided disk drive
雙重單工 dual-simplex
複式斜率類比/數位轉換器 dual-slope A/D converter
雙堆疊的 dual-stack
雙倍寬度 dual-wide
重新加以錄音;配音 dub
配音功能 dub feature
複製(錄音、唱片等);配音者 dubber
複製(錄音、唱片等);配音 dubbing
Dublin Core 元資料集 Dublin Core
Dubner字背景產生器 Dubner CBG
電腦基座 ducking station
每行多孔卡片 ducol-punched card
導管系統 duct system
啞彈 dud
到期 due
到期日 due date
到期日極限 due date limit
到碼頭日期 due dock
到期處理 due process
到倉庫日期 due stock
鈍綠 dull green
沌綠藍 dull greenish blue
沌紅紫 dull red purple
減光噴霧 dulling spray
基本型 dumb
基本型點矩陣列印機 dumb dot matrix printer
啞終端機 dumb terminal
當機 dumbed down
虛擬 dummy
虛擬活動 dummy activity
虛擬位址 dummy address
虛擬引數 dummy argument
虛擬引數識別符 dummy argument identifier
虛擬陣列 dummy array
虛擬細胞 dummy cell
虛擬檢查 dummy check
虛擬組件 dummy component
虛擬控制區段 dummy control section
虛擬資料 dummy data
虛擬資料集 dummy data set
虛擬卡片疊 dummy deck
虛擬裝置 dummy device
虛擬入口 dummy entry
虛擬檔案 dummy file
虛擬主機系統輸入 dummy host system input
虛擬輸入 dummy input
虛擬指令 dummy instruction
虛擬串列 dummy list
虛擬負載 dummy load
虛擬迴路 dummy loop
虛擬主程式 dummy main program
虛擬訊息 dummy message
虛擬模組 dummy module
虛擬節點 dummy node
虛擬命令 dummy order
虛擬參數 dummy parameter
虛擬程序 dummy procedure
虛擬發射體 dummy projectile
虛擬記錄 dummy record
虛擬記錄型式 dummy record type
虛擬常式 dummy routine
虛擬運行 dummy run
虛擬區段 dummy section
虛擬狀態 dummy state
虛擬敘述 dummy statement
虛擬字串 dummy string
虛擬終端輸入 dummy terminal input
虛擬傳送 dummy transfer
虛擬變數 dummy variable
虛擬字 dummy word
傾印,倒出 dump
交流傾印 dump AC
傾印及再啟動 Dump and Restart
傾印變更 dump change
核對傾印 dump check
傾印命令 dump command
傾印直流 dump dc
傾印裝置 dump device
動態傾印 dump dynamic
傾印串列 dump list
傾印記憶 dump memory
傾印模式 dump mode
倒出電影 dump movie
傾印點 dump point
電源撤除 dump power
傾印常式,傾印 dump routine
傾印選擇 dump selective
傾印快照 dump snapshot
靜態傾印 dump static
傾印儲存 dump storage
傾印 dumping
傾印儲存 dumping storage
 dumpster diving
雙二進制編碼 duobinary coding
雙二進制系統 duobinary system
10的39次方 duodecillion
十二進位 duodecimal
十二進制記法 duodecimal notation
十二進數目 duodecimal number
十二進數位系統 duodecimal number system
十二進數字 duodecimal numeral
雙色調 duotone
複製控制碼 dup control code
重複殺手 dup killer
重複迴路 dup loop
複本 dupe
雙工,雙面列印 duplex
雙工儀器 duplex apparatus
雙工仿真電路 duplex artificial circuit
雙工電纜 duplex cable
雙工通道 duplex channel
雙工電路 duplex circuit
雙工通訊中心 duplex communication center
雙工計算機 duplex computer
雙工計算機系統 duplex computer system
雙工控制台 duplex console
雙工控制 duplex control
雙面信封紙 duplex envelope paper
雙工設備 duplex equipment
雙工高速資料 duplex high speed data,DHSD
雙工獨立 duplex independent
雙工線路 duplex line
雙工機器系統 duplex machine system
雙工模式 duplex mode
雙工單帶 duplex one tape
雙工單向 duplex one way
雙工作業 duplex operation
雙面列印 duplex output
雙面紙 duplex paper
雙工列印機 duplex printer
雙面列印 duplex printing
雙工暫存器 duplex register
雙工運行 duplex running
雙工同時雙向 duplex simultaneous two-way
雙工系統 duplex system
雙工終端機 duplex terminal
雙工傳輸 duplex transmission
雙向系統 duplex way system
雙工導線 duplex wire
雙工工作 duplex working
雙工制系統 duplexed system
雙工器 duplexer
雙工 duplexing
雙工交換系統 duplexing switching system
重複 duplicate
複製活動 duplicate activity
重複位址檢查 duplicate address check
重複算術單元 duplicate arithmetic unit
重複定義 duplicate definition
重複刪除 duplicate elimination
重複設備 duplicate equipment
重複錯誤訊息 duplicate error message
重複檔案 duplicate file
複製鑰,複製鍵 duplicate key
重複邏輯單元 duplicate logical unit
重複標示 duplicate marking
重複大量儲存卷 duplicate mass storage volume
重複訊息 duplicate message
複製指標陣列 duplicate pointer array
重複程序名 duplicate procedure name
重複記錄 duplicate record
重複傳輸 duplicate transmission
重複元組 duplicate tuples
複製卷 duplicate volume
重複視窗 duplicate window
重複檔案 duplicated file
備份記錄 duplicated record
複製打卡機 duplicating card punch
雙重檢查 duplicating check
雙重裝置 duplicating device
複製裝置 duplicating unit
複製 duplication
重複核對 duplication check
複製碼 duplication code
重複因子 duplication factor
複製工廠 duplication house
設施複製 duplication of facilities
複製冗餘 duplication redundancy
複製機 duplicator
自動饋給複製機 duplicator with automatic feed
手動饋給複製機 duplicator with hand feed
人工主要變更複製機 duplicator with manual master change
半自動主要變更複製機 duplicator with semiautomatic master change
耐用性 durability
歷時 duration
歷時記憶 duration of remembering
脈波時間調制 duration time modulation,DTM
Duron 處理器 Duron
Durra 描述語言 Durra
防塵控制 dust control
防塵匣 dust-resistant cartridge
覆塵疊 dusty deck
工作循環,工作週期 duty cycle
工作循環作業 duty cycle operation
工作比 duty ratio
數位視訊匣 DV cartridge
DVD 內容拌碼系統 DVD content scrambling system
DVD 論壇 DVD forum
影音電視電腦 DVD TV computer
限時租用DVD DVD video express
可讀寫 DVD DVD+recordable
可重寫 DVD DVD+rewritable
可再寫入 DVD 媒體 DVD+RW media
DVD-聲頻 DVD-audio
唯讀 DVD 標準 DVD-R
DVD 直接存取記憶體標準 DVD-RAM
可記錄 DVD DVD-recordable
可重寫 DVD DVD-rewritable
DVD 視訊 DVD-video
Dvorak鍵盤 Dvorak
Dvorak鍵盤 Dvorak keyboard
波長劃分多工 DWDM
笨蛋 dweeb
dwg 副檔名 dwg
四位元組 DWORD
DX 發信 DX signaling
DX2-50/66 (為 80486 處理器) DX2
DX2-25/33 三倍晶片 (為 80486 處理器) DX4
DXn 處理器 DXn
二價元素 dyad
二元,布耳二進 dyadic
二元陣列 dyadic array
布林二元運算 dyadic Boolean operation
布林二元運算子 dyadic Boolean operator
二元指令 dyadic instructions
二元邏輯運算 dyadic logical operation
二元向量矩陣 dyadic matrices
二元運算,兩項運算 dyadic operation
二元運算子,兩項運算字 dyadic operator
二元處理器 dyadic processor
Dyadic Systems Limited 公司 Dyadic Systems Limited
二元小波變換 dyadic wavelet transformation
Dyalog APL 語言 Dyalog APL
熱昇華列印機 dye sublimation printer
熱擴散列印機 dye-diffusion printer
熱聚合記錄 dye-polymer recording
動態鏈接程式館 dynalink
任意動作 dynamation
動態 dynamic
動態加速 dynamic acceleration
動態存取 dynamic access
動態存取模式 dynamic access mode
動態精確度 dynamic accuracy
動態可調適選路 dynamic adaptive routing
動態位址 dynamic address
動態位址再定位 dynamic address relocation
動態位址表 dynamic address table,DAT
動態位址變換 dynamic address translation,DAT
動態位址翻譯器 dynamic address translator,DAT
動態自動聚焦 dynamic AF
動態演算法 dynamic algorithm
動態分配 dynamic allocation
動態分配介面常式 dynamic allocation interface routine
動態分配記憶體 dynamic allocation memory
新空間的動態分配 dynamic allocation of new space
動態分配程序 dynamic allocation procedure
動態配置 / 回收 dynamic allocation/deallocation
動態分配器 dynamic allocator
動態分析 dynamic analysis
動態分析程式 dynamic analyzer
動態與靜態 dynamic and static
動態孔徑 dynamic aperture
動態架構 dynamic architecture
動態區 dynamic area
動態陣列 dynamic array
動態陣列界限 dynamic array bound
動態判定 dynamic assertion
動態異步邏輯電路 dynamic asynchronous logic circuit
動態鑑別 dynamic authentication
漢字動態平均碼長 dynamic average code length of Hanzi
字動態平均碼長 dynamic average code length of words
動態退回 dynamic backout
動態頻寬分配 dynamic bandwidth allocation
動態特性 dynamic behavior
動態連結 dynamic binding
動態分支預測 dynamic branch prediction
動態斷點 dynamic breakpoint
動態緩衝 dynamic buffer
動態緩衝器分配 dynamic buffer allocation
動態緩衝 dynamic buffering
動態快取 dynamic caching
動態校準 dynamic calibration
動態呼叫 dynamic call
動態編目 dynamic cataloging
動態單元 dynamic cell
動態特性 dynamic characteristics
動態檢查 dynamic check
動態電路 dynamic circuit
動態群集模型 dynamic cluster model
鍵分配之動態係數 dynamic coefficient for key distribution
動態內聚檢查 dynamic coherence check
字動態重碼率 dynamic coincident code rate for words
動態編譯 dynamic compiling
動態計算機檢查 dynamic computer check
動態計算機組 dynamic computer group
動態條件 dynamic condition
動態一致需求 dynamic conformance requirements
動態約束 dynamic constraint
動態內容 dynamic content
動態對比控制 dynamic contrast control
動態控制 dynamic control
動態控制功能 dynamic control functions
動態控制模組區域 dynamic control module area
動態控制系統 dynamic control system
動態磁心分配 dynamic core allocation
動態建立 dynamic creation
動態互叫 dynamic cross call
動態游標 dynamic cursor
動態資料區 dynamic data area
動態資料交換 dynamic data exchage,DDE
DDE 管理器;動態資料交換管理器 dynamic data exchange manager
動態資料交換 dynamic data exchange,DDE
動態資料獨立性 dynamic data independence
動態資料鏈接 dynamic data linking
動態資料修改 dynamic data modification
動態資料集定義 dynamic data set definition
動態資料結構 dynamic data structure
動態資料結構 dynamic data structuring
動態資料庫 dynamic database
動態資料庫管理系統 dynamic database management system
動態除錯 dynamic debug
動態除錯模式 dynamic debug mode
動態除錯技術 dynamic debugging technique,DDT
動態除錯工具 dynamic debugging tool
動態後繼 dynamic descendence
動態裝置分配 dynamic device allocation
動態裝置重組態 dynamic device reconfiguration
動態配送虛擬表 dynamic dispatch virtual table
動態調度 dynamic dispatching
動態顯示 dynamic display
動態顯示影像 dynamic display image
動態分散式系統 dynamic distributed system
動態領域名稱系統服務 dynamic DNS service
動態網域名稱系統 dynamic domain name system
動態驅動覆蓋 dynamic drive overlay
動態傾印 dynamic dump
動態效應模型 dynamic effect model
動態登入 dynamic entry
動態環境 dynamic environment,DE
動態關係 dynamic equivalence relation
動態誤差 dynamic error
動態評估 dynamic evaluation
動態執行 dynamic execution
動態檔案組織 dynamic file organization
動態正反器 dynamic flipflop
動態流程圖 dynamic flow diagram
動態聚焦 dynamic focus
動態字型 dynamic fonts
動態自由變數 dynamic free variables
動態功能載入 dynamic function loading
動態增益 dynamic gain
動態閘 dynamic gate
動態處置 dynamic handle
動態硬體冗餘 dynamic hardware redundancy
動態散列 dynamic hashing
動態冒險 dynamic hazard
動態主機組態協定 dynamic host configuration protocol,DHCP
動態超文件標示語言 dynamic hypertext markup language
動態影像 dynamic image
動態影像分析 dynamic image analysis
動態索引 dynamic index
動態間接定址 dynamic indirect addressing
動態資訊 dynamic information
動態指令 dynamic instruction
動態交換鏈接通信協定 dynamic inter switch link protocol
動態交談式資料集 dynamic interactive data set
動態 IP 位址 dynamic IP address
動態抖動緩衝區 dynamic jitter buffer
動態鍵 dynamic keys
動態語言 dynamic language,Dylan
動態圖書館 dynamic library
動態鏈接 dynamic link
動態鏈接 dynamic linking
動態鏈接描述符 dynamic linking descriptor
動態鏈接程式館 dynamic linking library
動態負載 dynamic load
動態載入器 dynamic loader
動態載入 dynamic loading
動態日誌 dynamic log
動態邏輯 dynamic logic
動態迴路 dynamic loop
動態對映配置 dynamic mapping allocation
動態映像系統 dynamic mapping system
動態記憶體 dynamic memory
動態分配 dynamic memory allocation
動態記憶體元件 dynamic memory elements
動態記憶體管理 dynamic memory management
動態記憶體管理系統 dynamic memory management system
動態記憶體再定位 dynamic memory relocation
動態微處理機 dynamic microprocessor
動態微程式控制 dynamic microprogram control
動態微程式設計 dynamic microprogramming control
動態模型 dynamic model
動態多功能管線 dynamic multifunctional pipeline
動態多重路徑 dynamic multi-pathing
動態多工 dynamic multiplexing
動態節點 dynamic node
動態雜訊縮減器 dynamic noise reducer
動態物件導向需求系統 dynamic object-oriented requirements system,DOORS
動態操作 dynamic operation
動態最佳化 dynamic optimization
動態次序 dynamic order
動態定序程序 dynamic ordering procedure
動態定序搜尋 dynamic ordering search
動態覆蓋 dynamic overlay
動態封包過濾器 dynamic packet filter
動態頁 dynamic page
動態頁再定位 dynamic page relocation
動態參數,動態型參數 dynamic parameter
動態池塊 dynamic pool block
動態埠數 dynamic port numbers
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